about the book

Country Love Song

Winning the popular singing contest Rising Star was a dream come true for 21-year-old Lucy Armando. But she was totally unprepared for the high price that overnight fame would demand.

Suddenly thrown into the spotlight and scrutiny of the media, Lucy struggled to keep her personality and conservative values intact. She soon learned that not everyone had her best interests at heart, and some people were hiding ulterior motives while pretending to be her friend.

And then there was the dream of finding true love while living the hectic life of a rising country music star…

about the book

The Adventures of Molly and Pet

Molly and Pet Ladybug are delightful twin sisters who live in a mushroom cottage near the village of Meadowview. Along with their friends, Link Grasshopper, Lilypad Tree Frog, Wilbur Wasp, Selena Spider, and numerous other characters, there are lots of fun things happening every day of the week. Molly and Pet would love you to visit their neighborhood and join in on the adventures. Come on!

about the book

Out of the Darkness

When Callie Hinson spotted a mysterious light in their woods, she had no idea her world, along with her peace of mind, was about to change. Who was this man camping in their woods and what was his intent? More disturbing was her father’s complete trust in the solitary stranger. Was he a danger to Callie and her dad or was he a wayward soul looking for direction? Callie knew she had no power to penetrate the walls he had built around himself and his past. There was only One who could tear down defenses and heal hearts, but would the stranger accept the help offered?

about the book

SamCam: The Hero From Winslow Street

COVID-19 has struck and Sam Cameron (9) who lives in a Victorian three-story apartment house with his widowed mother and little sister, is at home all the time. Sam sees a TV story about signs being placed in yards to honor essential workers. He decides to paint one, and his life changes for the better. Without lessons or training, Sam begins creating amazing pieces of art. He finds out that a neighbor who has passed from COVID-19 had always thought of him as SamCam, so he signs his art with that moniker. The other tenants in the house begin to get acquainted with the Camerons and friendships and love begin to bloom.

Sam’s story ends with a hopeful message he places at the bottom of his favorite piece of art.

about the book

Lizzy's Journey

Born into poverty in the 1830’s, Lizzy’s Journey to a better life in Minnesota is complicated by danger, drama, and even the death of loved ones. Immigrating from Germany to the new world with the promise of prosperity proves difficult as she comes face to face with racism, discrimination, and extreme Midwest weather.

Lizzy works hard to find love, establish a home, and start a family, only to have it interrupted by war and sadness. Left alone during the Civil War to care for her young family, Lizzy perseveres to become a strong, independent woman in a time when they were to be seen and not heard.

Most Civil War books are centered on battles and soldiers, and rightly so. But what happened to the women and children left behind? Lizzy’s Journey focuses on one such woman who lived a fascinating life during one of the most challenging times in our nation’s history.

about the book

It All Began When...

Knowing following the leadership of the Holy Spirit is an adventure for a lifetime. Starting in childhood with a quest to know the love of God, it is learning how to listen and learn from God’s written Word matched with the deep impression of his voice “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human heart has conceived -the things God has prepared for those who love him.” This is a brief attempt to retell those things in the life of a very ordinary man.

about the book

That's My Sister

When a new sibling brings chaos into the house, Regina’s quiet lifestyle is disturbed. The energetic puppy is a lot of work. Mommy is spending all of her time keeping the puppy out of trouble. Regina is not so sure she wants a little sister!

After forty-five years as an early childhood educator, Rosemary J. Fisher is now enjoying a new career as an author. She has published four romance novels and is excited to offer her first children’s book, “That’s My Sister.”

about the book

Awakening Journey of the Bride

This book is about going on a daily journey with God unto preparation to one day become his bride. Preparation is a journey unto a deep personal intimate relationship with Christ. Love is the foundation and center of any relationship as God is love. We can see all throughout the bible how much it speaks of marriage. In Ephesians 5:25 Paul tells us Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. Christ’s love for the church is in representation of marriage both physically and spiritually. The first miracle was performed at a marriage. This book has been written to be practical and compatible with our everyday living. The journals written are only a small portion of the vast wisdom and knowledge of God in reference to bridal preparation.

about the book

Marked safe

When tragedy grips the farming community of Winslow, Kansas, people pull together to pray for a positive resolution to the problem. New neighbors in the town, the Barkdales, don’t believe in Jesus and are resistant to the idea of prayer. Too many disappointments in their pasts have led to a distrust of religion. That doesn’t stop Coop and Becky Smith, however. When they show compassion and offer friendship and a Christian witness, the Barkdales pay attention. Will the new relationship between the Smiths and Barkdales lead to a relationship with Jesus as well? And how will the faith of the community be tested when the unthinkable happens? The kidnapping of a little girl sends the police into action and the church to its knees. Even through difficult times, God has a plan. Regardless of the outcome, the love of Jesus remains the same. And sometimes help comes from unexpected sources.

about the book

Power in Knowledge

Throughout this book I have attempted to help you understand that having knowledge of God’s Word is necessary to living our Christian lives. The more knowledge we have the better able to serve Jesus we will be.

There is power in knowing Him and what His Word says to us.

This book would be good for a group Bible study because the chapters are topical in nature. It could also be used as a devotional for individuals. The truths are the same for both groups. When we encounter storms in life, or need to know about God’s unfailing love, or that we are fragile jars of clay just trying to do what Jesus wants us to do, we will find help in His Word. My prayer for you is that in the reading of this book you will grow to trust His heart and lean on Him for everything. 

He is in control; don’t you forget that!

power in knowledge

about the book


This world is changing day by day, hour by hour, second by second. Eradication of Christian principles and Christian ethics is exactly what has brought our country to its knees. The response of the Christian calling for a return to morality is nothing more than a scream into the dark. Our great country was founded by the Divine Providence of God. Men and women of faith,  fleeing from tyranny, risking it all, were guided here by the hand of our Creator. Only with truth and the authority of the Word of God can morality be anchored, evil understood, and the soul restored. Have we come so far that there is no turning back?



about the book

Oh, to be like him!

My desire for 2024 (and beyond) is to be more like God.  But what does that mean?  How do I achieve that?  Join me as we journey through this collection of weekly devotionals to discover the attributes of God and his faithfulness to help us learn and grow into a reflection of him.


about the book

So Many Secrets, So Many Lies

So Many Secrets, So Many Lies is a story of deception, danger and disappointment. A circle of lies envelopes Suzanne and her husband in a web of fantasies which leads to a false sense of contentment. Secret phone calls and risky behaviors might be exciting at first but can have dire consequences.

When the lies are finally exposed and the dark secrets are revealed, the characters learn a painful lesson. The truth hurts. Is there any hope for forgiveness and happiness? Can trust be restored? Only time will tell.

about the book

power in stillness

This book is written using the verse from Psalm 46:10, Be still and know that I am God. (Today’s New International Version). It is broken up into three parts. “Be still”; “And know”; and “That I am God.” Each section can stand alone or the entire book could be used as a Bible study. It is hopeful that it will bring the reader into a closer relationship with God, by gaining a better understanding of His Word, leading others to Christ, and learning that God is amazing!

about the book

A life of devotion

Finding time for Bible study is not always easy with the hectic lives we all live. The format of these devotionals is very simple – they are structured so that you do one per week and they will take less than 15 minutes to complete.

The devotions include a scripture, a short reflection, a prayer and then there is room to leave your thoughts. My prayer is that you find these reflections to be helpful and that they spur some introspection. I can only hope they bless you as much to read as they did me to write.

about the book

Safely Abiding

Rosemary J. Fisher lives in Columbia, Missouri, with her husband John and their two collies Regina Rose and Brynn. After retiring from a forty-five year career in education and childcare, Rosemary now spends her time writing novels, training dogs and doing community service projects. She enjoys reading, gardening, singing in the church choir and with the Columbia Mothersingers.

“Safely Abiding” is Rosemary’s second novel, following the lives of the Smith family introduced in “Under His Wings.”

Newlyweds Coop and Becky look forward to family life together on the farm. The wedding was beautiful, the honeymoon divine. But now the hard work begins and it’s not all smooth sailing. Family relationships need to be ironed out when Becky’s daughter Jenny rocks the boat. Other storms threaten their new lives together. A tornado, medical emergencies, depression and the return of a troubled woman from Coop’s past all cause disruption to their home. Can the young Smith family survive the upheaval caused by these disasters? How can this all be part of God’s plan for them? Will they abide safely under his wings?



about the book

Under His Wings

“Under His Wings” is a sweet, inspirational novel about love, faith, and family.  The characters face life’s struggles common to all of us: illness and death, setbacks and shattered dreams, doubts and insecurities.  Despite it all, they remain steadfast in the Lord, trusting Him to comfort and protect them and guide in decision making.

Benjamin Cooper Smith dreams of attending seminary and becoming a preacher, finding a godly woman to partner with him in ministry.  Life takes a turn when he has to quit college and return home to run the family farm because of his dad’s terminal illness.  He finds himself involved with two women with questionable pasts.  “Under His Wings” is a Christain fiction love triangle of intriguing characters each trying to find their place in the world.  The spiritual themes flow naturally through Scripture, songs and prayers and do not come across in preachy tones.  This delightful novel, filled with emotion, romance and exciting plot twists, will easily engage readers.